Silent Gliss 6243 Recess Track

Silent Gliss 6243 recess tracks are a popular choice for curtains due to their smooth operation and sleek design. However, what if you find yourself needing to add extra gliders to the track after it has been fitted? In this blog post, we will explore the answer to that question and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to add extra gliders to your Silent Gliss 6243 recess track.



Can Extra Gliders be Added to a Silent Gliss 6243 Recess Track?


The answer is a resounding yes! The Silent Gliss 6243 recess track is designed to accommodate additional gliders even after it has been installed. This flexibility allows you to make adjustments and modifications to suit your specific needs.


Step-by-Step Guide:


Gather the necessary tools:

  • A small flat-head screwdriver
  • Extra gliders suitable for the Silent Gliss 6243 recess track


Locate the silver spring

The silver spring is a small metal component . Its found at one end of the track


Remove the silver spring

Insert the flat-head screwdriver into the profile channel lto leaver ut the slver spring. and remove it. Take care not to apply excessive force to avoid damaging the track or spring.


Slide in the extra gliders:

Once the spring has been removed, you will have access to the channel within the track. Slide the extra gliders into the channel, positioning them evenly and ensuring they are oriented correctly for smooth movement along the track.


Replace the Sproig:

With the extra gliders in place, reinsert the spring into the channel. Align it properly and push it in  until it is securely in position. Verify that the gliders are held firmly but can still move freely along the track.


Test the movement:

Gently tug the curtains to check if the gliders move smoothly along the track. Ensure that the newly added gliders do not cause any obstructions or friction.


The Silent Gliss 6243 recess track provides the convenience of adding extra gliders even after it has been fitted. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can modify your track to accommodate additional gliders as needed. Enjoy the enhanced functionality and flexibility of your Silent Gliss 6243 recess track!


If you have any concerns about modifying your track please don't hesitate to give us a call, our team are on hand to help you with any queries you might have!