Window with wall fitted curtain pole

Choosing the right height for your curtain pole is a crucial decision in interior design. It not only affects the overall look of a room but also plays a role in how effectively your curtains serve their purpose. So, how do you determine the ideal height for your curtain pole? In this guide, we'll explore the factors you need to consider and provide practical tips for getting it just right.


Factors to Consider:


Curtain Length:

    • The length of your curtains is a significant factor in determining pole height. If you have floor-length curtains, consider placing the pole closer to the ceiling to create an elegant and elongated look. For shorter curtains, a lower position may be more appropriate.

Curtain Style:

    • Different curtain styles require different pole heights. For example, café curtains typically hang at the midpoint of the window, while full-length drapes benefit from being mounted closer to the ceiling.

Room Height:

    • The height of the room can impact your decision. In standard rooms, you can follow general guidelines, but for taller spaces, mounting the pole higher can make the room appear grander.

Aesthetic Preferences:

    • Your personal design preferences also come into play. The pole's height affects the visual aesthetics of the room. Consider the overall style you want to achieve, whether it's traditional, modern, or eclectic.


How to Measure and Install:

Now that you understand the factors involved, let's discuss how to measure and install the curtain pole correctly:

  1. Measuring the Ideal Height:

    • Start by measuring from the top of the window frame to the desired height for the pole. For a more dramatic look, consider going a few inches above the window frame.

  1. Use the Right Hardware:

    • Make sure you have the appropriate brackets and anchors for your wall type. Use a level to ensure the pole is perfectly horizontal.
  2. Mark and Install:

    • Mark the desired height on both sides of the window and install the brackets accordingly. Double-check your measurements before securing the pole in place.
  3. Choose the Right Curtain Rod and Finials:

    • Select a curtain rod that complements your decor. Decorative finials can add an extra touch of style.


The height of your curtain pole is a decision that involves a combination of practicality and aesthetics. Take into account factors like curtain length, style, room height, and personal preferences. With the right measurements and proper installation, you can transform your space and enhance its visual appeal. Remember that there are no strict rules; it ultimately comes down to your unique vision for your home.


If you are still unsure then we suggest looking at a 10cm-15cm above the window as a starting point!


Now that you have a better understanding of how to position your curtain pole, go ahead and make your windows and your room look their best!


Additional Tips:

  • When in doubt, consult with an interior designer or curtain specialist.
  • Avoid common mistakes like mounting the pole too low or too high for the curtain style you've chosen.
  • Experiment with different heights using temporary supports before final installation to see what works best for your space.

We hope this guide has been helpful in assisting you with the question of how far above the window to fit your curtain pole. Enjoy transforming your living spaces with stylish curtains and perfectly positioned poles and as always, if you have any further questions we are always on hand to offer advice, you can call our team on 01494 535699.