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5 Curtain Safety Tips You Need to Know
This entry was posted 14/06/2019

We all want what’s best for our families, and making sure our homes are as safe as possible is always a top priority. Let us help you make your home safer with our curtain safety tips.
1. Child Safety
If you have little ones in your household, it is essential to ensure your curtains are as safe as possible. Curtains in children's bedrooms should not be full length, but short enough that they cannot reach to climb or become tangled in fabric. If you have full-length curtains in the house, tiebacks can be useful to keep excess material out of reach of little hands. When installing blinds, ensure a safety feature is fitted to keep any cords or chains out of reach of children due to the life-threatening dangers that can arise from loose cords. Of course, it is also paramount to ensure that curtain poles, rods and other fixtures have been fitted correctly and securely to avoid any danger of falling.
2. Pet Safety
Cats and dogs can sometimes see curtains as playthings, and many of the same curtain safety tips that apply to children apply to our furry friends. Animals can do a lot of damage to curtains if they see them as a toy, so keeping your curtains short or using tiebacks to keep long curtains tidy will avoid material being available to mischievous little paws.
3. Furniture
It is important to keep in mind that furniture should be kept away from windows and curtains. Children can climb on furniture, giving them access to the curtain material and windows, creating potentially dangerous situations. Another danger associated with furniture near curtains is the opportunity for the curtain to become caught in the furniture itself, resulting in pulling which could bring down curtain poles and fixtures.
4. Fire Safety
It’s one we all know well, but just because it seems like common sense, it doesn’t mean we always have it at the top of our minds. Candles and curtains are a recipe for disaster, and if you enjoy lighting candles in your home, you must ensure any candles are as far away from your curtains as possible.
5. Curtain Cleanliness
Curtains tend to get neglected when it comes to regular cleaning, with many people only washing them every few years, but clean curtains are actually very important for the health of your household. Fabrics accumulate dust and allergens from the air, as well as mould and mildew, which build up over time and can affect the health of your family. Curtains don’t need a weekly wash, but at least twice a year make sure to give your curtains a good clean, always checking the label first to launder them correctly according to their material.
Although there are some quick fixes that are easy to follow, curtain and blind safety is a serious matter, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch to discuss how we can help you choose the safest curtains and blinds for your home.
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on 14/06/2019