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Top Tips for Creating a Complementary Colour Scheme
This entry was posted 02/12/2019

Want to update the colours in your home? Redecorating with new colours is a fantastic way to refresh your interiors. If you need some pointers to help you choose your hues, check out our top tips for creating a perfectly co-ordinated colour scheme.
Check out the latest colour trends
If you’re hoping to update your home but you’re not sure where to start, it can be useful to look at the popular colour trends of the moment. These can act as a springboard to help you plan your design. One advantage of using fashionable colours is that there’s likely to be a wide variety of home furnishings and accessories available to complement the colours of your walls. Even small touches, like cushion covers, curtain poles and ornaments in an on-trend colour will give your home a contemporary feel.
Match your favourite piece
Many of us have much-loved items in our homes. Whether it’s an art print you picked up on holiday or a family heirloom you’ll keep for life, it makes sense to base your colour scheme around these objects. Experiment by picking out a key colour in your favourite piece and using it as the centre of your new look.
Create a mood board
If you ever kept a scrap book as a child, you’ll know the value of a mood board. This is a very informal and unstructured way of brainstorming your ideas. Whenever you come across an inspiring image in a magazine, cut it out and pin it to a noticeboard. Add colour samples from paint shops or printed from the internet. Taking a little time to gather these ideas together allows you to get a better idea of the colour shades and tones you’d like to use in your home.
Get some testers
Paint testers are available from every good DIY store. Don’t skimp on these – take home a selection of similar shades to find out which works best on your wall, and how the different colours interact together. Sometimes this can surprise you, and you may end up opting for a colour scheme you hadn’t considered before.
Visualise your design
The process of redecorating a room can be a leap of faith as you can’t experience the effects of your design until the work is completed. However, these days, we’re lucky enough to have an array of tools at our fingertips which can help us to visualise the finished result, before the paint tins are even open. Apps like ColorSnap Visualizer allow you to see a mock-up of what the room will look like with your chosen colour scheme before settling.
Swot up on colour theory
Design can be a process of trial and error, and you might take a few tries to get it absolutely right. If you’re not happy with your colour scheme but can’t put your finger on why, it can be helpful to learn more about colour theory. Somewhere between an art and a science, colour theory explains the relationship between different colours and can help you to predict which shades will work well together.
Contact us today and find out more about how our curtain poles and tracks can help bring your colour scheme to life.
This entry was posted in Uncategorized on 02/12/2019